
Age 18, Male

Joined on 3/20/18

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DJLomka's News

Posted by DJLomka - 2 days ago

Hi everyone and I want to hear your opinion about changing my appearance and musical style in general.

Because on DJ Lomka I thought that I will always upload something qualitative and elaborated. But after 2022 came the idea to make a new look with new directions:

- on DJ Lomka only elaborated tracks with certain styles, without experimental ideas and sketches

- on Xaruzu (my new appearance) there will be absolutely cardinal genre tracks, which on DJ Lomka will look too different.

But there was a problem. I as DJ Lomka very burned out to do what I usually do here and more actively started to post my tracks on Xaruzu. And there was a question for you:

Can I post my tracks here that I usually post on Xaruzu?

Or leave on DJ Lomka what is worked out and made qualitatively and intelligently?



Posted by DJLomka - 1 month ago

iu_1345680_6812556.webpI have a Meta Quest 3 VR/MR headset.



Posted by DJLomka - December 31st, 2024

Hi everyone, I'm Lomka and here comes (or has already come) a new 2025 with big exciting things for me....

Well... this year turned out to be not very musical or creative, but still exciting. There were good things and bad things.

I learned for the first time what it's like to live well, see interesting things in my hometown, and generally have a good time when you don't care about anything.

I spent most of this year helping other people (mostly in real life).

I had big and cool plans for 2024 for music and everything, but they didn't have time to fulfill all of them because I didn't have the desire for it. So this year, I'd better put plans on the path to follow.

Hope everyone else has everything going right and have a good New Year's Eve.



Posted by DJLomka - October 26th, 2024

UPD. Released


I've started creating something new and it's almost getting close to being finished after two years of not being able to complete something



Posted by DJLomka - October 4th, 2024

I've been suffering for two years now because I can't create anything new and I could've had so much new stuff coming out, but I'm still stuck.

But I try to post some ideas on another newgrounds account though - @Xaruzu

But they are rather low quality to get them on DJ Lomka.



Posted by DJLomka - June 15th, 2024

Well, it's just a post so you don't forget I exist. But that's not really what I meant.

Almost all tracks from January 2021 to mid 2024 I wrote using Shure SRH-840 headphones. Or rather I wrote on anything, even cheap Creative speakers, but the final mixing was done on headphones and checked on other devices. 

But in January 2022 they made themselves known with their "material quality". Yes, they started cracking just like that, even though I didn't do anything bad with them. I'm usually very careful with my equipment, but even this care is not enough for them.  

Okay, it's just a crack like that, I just put duct tape over it and dark scotch tape over it to make it look better. And it even worked for two years. 

Except that in March 2024 my left speaker stopped working and the right one sounded bad (rattle and sound loss). 

Well, like what the hell to accept this and had to buy new, and even better headphones.

So I took Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro to replace these Shure.


For me as a college student in Russia, it is expensive. But in order not to suffer further, it was no loss at all.  


Posted by DJLomka - May 18th, 2024

(wish I could have fun on pico day, but I can't).

Well. In August 2023 I released a track that I'm coming back to create more tracks, but somehow after Dreamy Aesthetic and Timeless Bizarre nothing followed.

Seriously, those two are the only two tracks I actually published in unfinished state. They've been like that since November-December 2022.

I didn't want to just abandon my music, my account and show that I'm alive at all, but with my current state, when I want to do something, I go and create something, and then I don't want to do it, it doesn't go, but I want to do it. Like laziness mixed with the desire to do something. And it's been like that for almost two years now. 

I don't know how to describe it, it's more than a creative crisis and burnout, it's a very big burnout that is clearly not reversible. 

With my unfinished tracks I show my state. Every time to create music and to do something not to die in the inability to do what I've been doing for 5 years....

I have no words to describe it. 

I think I've been influenced in my life by the society I live in. 

I got into college and I thought I'd find people better than I did in high school. 

But no, I fell into a group of very trendy people, very smokers, drinkers, etc. young people of today, real zoomers, tiktokers. They're just not interested in me in general, at all. I still haven't found any of them, who could talk to me, listen to me and generally share common thoughts. I feel like an outcast after that. College is also wearing me down, because I'm not even in the same major, so it's also very uncomfortable. I sit there from 8 am to 6 pm and the only thing I can do is to prepare for my study and have no time to create something and generally have a rest.

If I shorten it all, my inactivity in music has to do with the life I got. 


Ну типа. В августе 2023 я выпустил трек, что я возвращаюсь чтобы создать больше треков, но почему-то после Dreamy Aesthetic и Timeless Bizarre ничего не последовало.

Серьезно, эти два трека - единственные, которые я опубликовал в незаконченном виде. Они были в таком виде с ноября-декабря 2022.

Я не хотел просто забросить свою музыку, свой аккаунт и хотел показать что я вообще жив, но с моим нынешним состоянием, когда я хочу что-то сделать, я беру и создаю что-то, а потом я не хочу это делать, оно вообще не идет, но я хочу это сделать. Как будто лень смешалась с желанием что-то сделать. И так продолжается уже почти два года.

Я не знаю, как это описать, это больше, чем творческий кризис и выгорание, это очень большое выгорание которое явно не обратимо. Своими незаконченными треками я показываю свое состояние. Каждый раз создавать музыку и что-то делать, чтобы не умереть в неспособности делать то, что я делаю уже как 5 лет..... У меня нет слов, чтобы описать это.

Я думаю что на мою жизнь повлияло общество, в котором я живу.

Я поступил в колледж и думал, что найду людей лучше, чем в школе.

Но нет, я попал в группу очень молодежных людей, очень курящих, пьющих и т.д. современных молодых людей, настоящих зумеров, тиктокеров. Я им просто не интересен от слова вообще. Я до сих пор не нашел ни одного из них с кем можно было бы поговорить, выслушать меня и вообще поделиться общими мыслями. После этого я чувствую себя изгоем. Колледж также изматывает меня, потому что я даже не на той специальности, поэтому это тоже очень некомфортно получается. Я сижу там с 8 утра до 6 вечера, и единственное, что я могу делать, это готовиться к учебе и у меня нет времени на то, чтобы что-то создавать и вообще отдыхать.

Если коротко, то моя неактивность в музыке связана с той жизнью, которую я получил.

Let me leave a very appropriate track here:



Posted by DJLomka - December 21st, 2023

Seriously. Only second day has passed since update... First platformers with incredible decor., even demons appearing. And I haven't even beaten Deadlocked yet. 

It’s hard for me to understand new GD editor. But those who figured it out are already creating incredible things.

Of course creative freedom, like me with my new pc. But for me, the limitations gave me more freedom.



Posted by DJLomka - August 14th, 2023

(apologize for the mistakes, as there is a lot of text and will be updated with pictures soon :))

Hi everyone, I'm DJ Lomka. I'm slowly getting back to making music, but it's not as good as it was supposed to be. But more about that later (or in another post sometime).

In this long post I will try to tell in my own words about Geometry Dash, my origins in it and a little bit of why I ended up here on Newgrounds.

I'll start with the fact that I'm glad that 2.2 is coming out soon and to everyone in the community that developed the game to such a scale during these 10 years of its existence. Without everyone at GD. few people would know about this platformer, some musicians and eventually it wouldn't have made history for some people like me. Happy 10th anniversary to Geometry Dash. RobTop or Robert I haven't forgotten. It's sad that because he wanted to add more to the game, we waited so long for it. 

Before GD (about Newgrounds):

I found Newgrounds a long time ago when I was about 8-9 years old and saw the Sonic Oddshow animation series. Yes, that's the whole story about me in Newgrounds before Geometry Dash.

But Geometry Dash is a separate story, even though it's somewhat related: (based on my sister's retelling)

It's 2014, my sister was at camp, and when it was parent's day, I went with my parents. I started wondering about games with my sister (I may have been thinking about it at the time, I had a PS3 after all), and I ended up seeing Geometry Dash. 

I kind of thought like a cube jumping and didn't realize what could be so interesting about it. 

But did I think I would play it later?

This is where my story begins:

Sometime in 2015 at the time of the 1.9 update. Back then I saw gameplays on youtube of then popular demons like Supersonic, Bloodbath, and I wanted to try to play it. I saw that the game is called Geometry Dash and tried to download pirated version on my then Android-smartphone Lenovo A916 (because who will give me 8 years old me money and moreover I was something about the Lite version then and did not think) .

Back then I couldn't even pass Stereo Madness and ended up just trying to pass something in online levels.

I remember my first level was called "World to Dan". It was kind of a dark layout level with Polargeist music (I'm from Russia and my English was very poor at the time), named after my classmate whose name was Daniel. Now this level is gone, because I deleted it by mistake. 

There was also a small challenge, but I don't remember what happened to it, but I remember I used custom music for the first time.  

Well I forgot about Geometry Dash until 2017 because I was no longer interested. But then after the release of 2.1...

My big historical period - 2017:

After about a week or so since the 2.1 update release, I downloaded the pirated version again. Was able to pass Stereo Madness and somewhere before Time Machine I got hung up.

With my classmates we discussed new things about it and built levels. Just one of their survived levels is Arsalan Dash PRO, DOGE DOG and Stereo Madness XL (All links will go to GD Level Browser. There will be IDs of levels you can play).   

Later I found out that GD is also on PC and I played it for some time, including building levels (among them are Fast Demon, Hard Dash and Xlectro Dash).

Then I tried to fake demon walkthroughs for the first time... on my phone for YouTube using splicing and auto-versions of levels.  

When I was 10 years old, I was slowly learning to shoot and edit videos for YouTube and just trying to get high on it (I didn't even know the words back then, only MLG, 360 noscope and all that stuff)... The attempts were funny, of course, but it's a shame I didn't save them (only screenshots from YouTube creative studio).

Then summer came and I discovered about secret vaults, codes in them and The Challenge. Then I registered on Newgrounds and found out that it's a repository of music for Geometry Dash. I heard about Electrodynamix 2 and Theory of Everything 3. SoundCloud, etc. Then there was the event when I lost my YouTube channel because of my dumbassery. 

Well beyond that I didn't play GD very actively. At the end of December 2017 I found out about GD Subzero and started to active again. That's when I registered for the first time in Discord and started to build theories about levels.

After 2017:

In 2018 I built my Lomka Insane level, which I verifed with cheats and pretty much moved on to playing on my laptop. 

In 2019, I made a lot of progress in GD. I then decided to go for passing demons, starting with the underdemon The Nightmare and ending with almost 50% progress on Nine Circles. I started making music then, by the way. 

And I finally buy Geometry Dash on Steam and Play Market. Now I'm not a pirate.

But in July 2021 I lost all my progress and 2k stars with a bunch of demons by a save failure. I was sad about that at the time. Then my interest in GD was falling, because I had nothing to do in this community, I left GD until this year (as a player and community member, only my local projects).

In 2022 I tried to come back as a creator and I tried to make my rhythm game inside GD by writing a whole editor in Python, but it turned out that I didn't get it done and ended up in September 2022 I lost my hard disk with a bunch of projects and that editor + forgot to save my account inside GD before reinstalling Windows on my PC. So there is no level itself either. Only a test of the buttons themselves via collision triggers.  

Sad, of course, but what to do. Not everything ends up so happy for me. 

Thank you all for reading all this, happy 10th anniversary of Geometry Dash.



Posted by DJLomka - July 3rd, 2023

Hi everyone, I'm DJ Lomka. I think this is my last post on Newgrounds. 

Because of some very sad situations in my life right now, I will need to say goodbye to you all. 

Right off the bat, by these bad events, I don't mean death or anything like that.

It's just that I may become a foster child who has issues in my head. So I'm saying goodbye to everyone beforehand, and I'll probably be back, probably never. 

I previously could not think of and create a track and so. The ideas were coming, but the implementation wasn't. Earlier there were computer problems, now it's in me. And this has nothing to do with my leaving yet.

I think that just no one will notice my leaving.