Well, it's just a post so you don't forget I exist. But that's not really what I meant.
Almost all tracks from January 2021 to mid 2024 I wrote using Shure SRH-840 headphones. Or rather I wrote on anything, even cheap Creative speakers, but the final mixing was done on headphones and checked on other devices.
But in January 2022 they made themselves known with their "material quality". Yes, they started cracking just like that, even though I didn't do anything bad with them. I'm usually very careful with my equipment, but even this care is not enough for them.
Okay, it's just a crack like that, I just put duct tape over it and dark scotch tape over it to make it look better. And it even worked for two years.
Except that in March 2024 my left speaker stopped working and the right one sounded bad (rattle and sound loss).
Well, like what the hell to accept this and had to buy new, and even better headphones.
So I took Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro to replace these Shure.
For me as a college student in Russia, it is expensive. But in order not to suffer further, it was no loss at all.
А я ещё жалуюсь на свои джибелы за 500 рублей с авито, которым лет больше, чем мне, но они работают до сих пор